Document Imaging and the Public Sectors need for going Paperless

Document imaging needs of the public sector has grown significantly over the years.  Historically the public sector has always “had a form for that” and subsequently has needed to store that form.  And with the costs rising and budget shrinking the need for document imaging to cost effectively store all those forms.  Now the public sector has been slower than the commercial sector to adopt electronic information, however, they are moving towards going paperless.  Here are a couple of reasons why:

  • FOIA: The Freedom of Information Act has been around for a long time. It and states that, after a certain amount of time, the federal government has to share previously undisclosed information with its constituents upon request. Requests can often involve hundreds or thousands of pages and can be expensive to distribute on paper. And An image-based redaction process can increase efficiency and better ensure that all sensitive information is caught.
  • E-Forms: As stated earlier, the public sector processes usually start with a form. Once completed, data from it need to be entered into some sort of system so that the next step in a process can be taken. As more people have access to computers, tablets, and smartphones, e-forms present a popular alternative to paper forms. First off, they eliminate data-entry issues, as data from e-forms can be uploaded straight into a ERP system. E-forms are also easier to distribute than paper forms and come in many shapes and sizes. Having a good workflow in place to manage e-forms and captured data after they are submitted creates further efficiencies.
  • Records management: In every regulated industry, including government, there are certain regulations that need to be followed regarding management and disposal of records. As more information is born digital, records management now applies to paper as well as digital information. Public-sector organizations often find that it is more efficient and secure to manage all their records as electronic files, which means digitizing the paper records. Then they can put them all under one umbrella records management policy.
  • Increased efficiencies: Public-sector organizations have a lot of the same issues related to paper that any business does. Namely, it can be slower and less efficient to work with than electronic data or documents. Like any business, public-sector organizations typically have paperwork related to HR, accounts payable, and several other areas.

The public sector is certainly different than the private sector, especially when it comes to funding, approval, and other factors. But the bottom line is document imaging is key to reducing their paperwork and running a more efficient operation.

If you are interested in getting a quote for records management or document imaging services please email or give us a call at (410) 712-4141.